Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Because Jenna has GERD

My almost-three-month-old daughter has GERD. Terrible, horrible reflux that rarely results in tons of spit up, but rather has her swallowing back stomach acid to the point that she cannot sleep anywhere other than totally upright (or leaning slightly forward) against me. Which means that much of my time is spent on our sofa, letting her sleep for as long as she can before stomach acid threatens to make its way up her throat, again.

There's only so much one can do online. Believe me. So I figured I would start crafting. I kept telling myself that I'd have to wait until Jenna was feeling better before I could do things like that, but I've learned how to have both hands fairly free, while still holding my little munchkin, so why not start, now?

It'll start with some crocheting, most likely, following simple patterns as I brush up on my skill-ness, progressing to knitting and cross-stitch, possibly even some embroidery, handsewing and scrapbooking. Whatever I can do while fairly stationary for most of the day while my little one catches up on her sleep, you can bet it'll be done. And if you can suggest anything else, and/or offer any constructive criticism about my projects, please don't hesitate to do so.

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